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Load an Image
This recipe shows how to load and display an image.


To display an image from code:

  1. Edit Assets.xcassets file that is automatically added to the project, right-click and select New Image Set.

  2. Double-click the new image set Name and change it to MonkeySFO.

  3. Click on 1x under the Universal section and select an image to display from the hard drive.

  4. Create a UIImageView and add the image using UIImage.FromBundle:

    var imageView = new UIImageView (UIImage.FromBundle("MonkeySFO"));
    imageView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect (10,10,imageView.Image.CGImage.Width, imageView.Image.CGImage.Height);

Optionally, to display an image in an Image View added to a Storyboard:

  1. Edit Assets.xcassets file that is automatically added to the project, right-click and select New Image Set.

  2. Double-click the new image set Name and change it to MonkeySFO.

  3. Click on 1x under the Universal section and select an image to display from the hard drive.

  4. In the iOS Designer, drag an Image View onto a View and position and size it as desired.

  5. In the Properties Explorer, under Identity set the Name to imageView.

  6. Also in the Properties Explorer, under Image View use the Image dropdown to select MonkeySFO.

  7. In code, the image can optionally be set or changed using the following:

     imageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("MonkeySFO");