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Create an Android Project
This recipe shows how to create a new Android project in Xamarin and Visual Studio.


Visual Studio for Mac

  1. First, launch Visual Studio for Mac and click on New... in the top left corner:
  2. A window will pop up with a list of options for the types of projects available to you. To create an Android project, select the Android>App category to open up the available sub-categories, then choose Android App:
  3. Choose a sensible name for your app and choose development targets:
  4. Choose a project name, then click OK:
  5. Visual Studio for Mac will create and populate a new project for you:

Visual Studio

  1. First, launch Visual Studio and click on New Project... in the top left corner:
  2. A window will pop up with a list of options for the types of projects available to you. To create an Android project, select the Android then Blank App (Android). Enter a project name:
  3. Visual Studio will create and populate a new project for you:

Additional Information

If you are using periods in your project name, do not use Android in your project name, as this will result in namespace conflicts and build failures. For example, do not name your project "Hello.Android" - use "Hello.Droid" instead.