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Why does my iOS build fail with: no valid iPhone code signing keys found in keychain?

Cause of the error

This error message occurs when the project in question is looking for valid code-signing credentials but are unable to find them. Code signing is required for testing and deployments on physical iOS devices; as well as Ad-hoc & App store builds.

This may happen if you are building from Visual Studio on Windows and are trying to build with a Distribution profile and certificate but do not have Remote Device, or a physical device connected to the Mac build host, selected as the target device. If you have Local Device or a device that is connected to the Windows PC selected, the build will not be able to find the distribution certificate even if it is installed on the Mac.

Provisioning Devices

If you haven't provisioned an iOS device before, the following guide will take you through the full step-by-step process: Device Provisioning Guide

Bug when using iOS Simulator


This issue has been resolved in recent versions of Xamarin for Visual Studio. However, if the issue occurs on the latest version of the software, please file a new bug with your full versioning information and full build log output.

There was a bug in Xamarin.Visual Studio 3.11 which caused the iOS project in a Xamarin.Forms template to add the codesign Entitlements.plist to Simulator builds; effectively blocking testing using the Simulator.

How to fix

You can workaround the issue by removing the <CodesignEntitlements> flag from the debug builds in the .csproj file. You can do this as follows:


Errors in .csproj files can break your project, so it's a good idea to backup your files before attempting this.

  1. Right click the iOS project in the solution pane and select Unload Project
  2. Right click the project again and select Edit [ProjectName].csproj
  3. Locate the Debug PropertyGroups, they should start with flags that look like this:
    • Debug: <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|iPhoneSimulator' ">
    • Release: <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|iPhoneSimulator' ">
  4. In each of the builds that use the simulator, delete or comment out the following property: <CodesignEntitlements>Entitlements.plist</CodesignEntitlements>
  5. Reload the project and you should be able to deploy to the simulator.

Next Steps

For further assistance, to contact us, or if this issue remains even after utilizing the above information, please see What support options are available for Xamarin? for information on contact options, suggestions, as well as how to file a new bug if needed.